Five Reasons Why Giving Make-it-Yourself Jewelry is Not Cliche

Five Reasons Why Giving Make-it-Yourself Jewelry is Not Cliche

We regret saying it, but it seems as if the world is becoming more materialistic every year. We don’t just want things, we want the best things. Because of this, every holiday and special occasion comes with the expectation of expensive, over-the-top gifts. Homemade gifts have fallen to the wayside and are now considered less-than. Our team at Solid Oak Inc. wants to change that. We know that there’s something special about receiving a handcrafted gift, and we want to help people come back into the mindset of appreciating it. Since jewelry is our wheelhouse, here are five (of many) reasons why giving make-it-yourself jewelry is not cliche or cheesy - but is a genuine expression of love and a true personal touch.

You Can Personalize The Piece

One of the best reasons to give make-it-yourself jewelry is the customizability. When you create a piece of jewelry yourself, you can decide exactly what type of piece you’d like to make, and with what colors and charms. With the wide array of charms and pendants offered by Solid Oak Inc., you’re sure to find something that represents the person who is to receive your gift. For example, you could pick up some of our Indi-Pendants and fill them with images of the two of you, favorite places to visit, or favorite memories. Maybe the recipient loves animals. Thaneeya and Steampunk have you covered! Is she a fan of all things sparkly? Is he a new dad? How about a keychain with an Indi-Pendant adorned with his new family photo? You can find something for their jewelry and accessories in just about all of our great collections! No matter what type of vibe you’re going for, Solid Oak Inc. has you covered.

Solid Oak's Indi-pendats van be customized by adding your favorite vacation pictures.

It Shows You Were Willing to Spend Time On The Recipient 

Think about how long you spend thinking about and working on typical gifts. More often than not, you spend some time looking for ideas, make a purchase, wrap the present, and call it a day. When you choose to give the gift of make-it-yourself jewelry, it shows that you dedicated your precious  time to the gift-giving process. You aren’t just buying a necklace that comes pre-wrapped in a cute little box; rather, you had to come up with the idea for the finished piece, purchase the things you needed, and construct the whole thing. Nothing makes someone feel more special than having a friend or loved one take extra time out of their busy day to do something for them. No matter what you decide to make, whoever you give it to will know that they are loved and appreciated - and worth extra time.  

It Isn’t Cookie-Cutter 

Sure, gift cards are fine, but how much does it really mean to the person you’re giving it to? Generally speaking, gift cards seem more suitable for people who aren’t super close to you. Of course, if it’s a gift card to their absolute favorite place, that’s a bit different. But would you ever give your mom or dad a gift card? For people you’re close with, you’ll want to give them something outside of the box. Make-it-yourself jewelry is a great option because it’s not something people usually see. Sure, you’ve heard of homemade cards and store-bought jewelry, but now it’s time to put the two together to create a very unique gift! How many people can say that their best friend or significant other made jewelry for them? There’s nothing cookie-cutter here!

Thaneeya charms make it realy easy to create whimsical jewelry.

You Aren’t Limited In Design or Style

There are plenty of jewelry stores online and in malls that have wonderful pieces. However, have you ever had a vision in your head for a piece of jewelry, only to find that no stores have it? When you opt to make jewelry yourself, that’s not a problem! With all of the varied options available from Solid Oak Inc., you can find at least some elements for your masterpiece. We have seven different collections with seven very different styles, so that you can find what you’re looking for. Indi-Pendants are classic glass-front pendants, Estrella has all the crystals and rhinestones you could want, and Steampunk has more whimsical and industrial pendants and charms. Shambala is great for more delicate creations, and Brianna is perfect for those who like a little less shimmer and shine. Es-Scent-ials aromatherapy pendant necklaces are gorgeous pendants with a purpose for the essential oil lover in your life. Finally, Thaneeya is full of color and cheer and is perfect for a celebration!

It’s One-Of-A-Kind And Will Always Remind The Recipient of You

If you’re still on the fence about make-it-yourself jewelry, perhaps our last point will persuade you. Each and every piece you create will be one-of-a-kind and unlike anything else the recipient has. Since your pieces will be so personalized and unique, there’s no way the wearer can ever forget who they came from. Gift cards are spent and the items they bought forgotten, and clothes end up buried in the closet. A handcrafted piece of jewelry will not be forgotten and can never be replaced. If you are looking for a gift that means a lot to someone, make-it-yourself jewelry is the way to go. 

Esrella linked crystals and sparkling charms link easily together for easy-to-make bracelets and necklaces.

We hope you’ve found this article inspiring and have a better perspective on make-it-yourself or DIY jewelry. Anything you take the time to make is a wonderful gift and will never be cliche or cheesy. If you’re new to the jewelry-making game, you'll find it is easier than you may think. Solid Oak Inc. has easy-to-follow instructions for making Brianna wrap bracelets and Shambala knotted bracelets. Once you have some of the basic techniques and skills down, making more pieces will be easy as pie. 

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